Dichromated Gelatin (DCG) FAQs

This is a forum to share experiences and ideas about holography.
Colin Kaminski

Dichromated Gelatin (DCG) FAQs

Post by Colin Kaminski »

http://www.holowiki.com/index.php/Types ... Ion_Lasers
"Framed Godess" by Dave Battin
"Framed Godess" by Dave Battin
venus2color.jpg (50.24 KiB) Viewed 46029 times
Double Exposure DCG Hologram entitled "Framed Godess" by Dave Battin

Here is a list of HoloWiki resources for learning about DCG.

This simple guide was written by JohnFP and covers all of the basics of plate preperation:
http://www.holowiki.com/index.php/A_Beg ... ach_to_DCG

Great tips to keep things simple from Joe Farina:

Here is the G307 recipie that makes DCG work faster with the C315 laser (Or any SLM green laser):

Information about green lasers suitable for holography:
http://www.holowiki.com/index.php/Types ... PSS_Lasers

Information about the classic Argon Ion lasers that drove DCG till 2005:
http://www.holowiki.com/index.php/Types ... Ion_Lasers